Friday, May 22, 2009

Our Balcony Garden

Year two of our garden on the balcony is upon us. We have had a fair start. Things are looking up. We had snow a day after we planted everything out into the pots, it broke a lot of the tomatoes, but we had extras. I usually always plant more seeds than we need.
Here is a look at what we have done so far this year...and some pictures of last year's garden.

This year, on Monday the 16th of March we planted our seeds. (We used the peat moss seed starters, and Miracle Grow potting soil.) We planted lettuce, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, and radishes. We built a little green house using some clear plastic, sticks and cardboard box lid. Our seeds were sprouting and popping up to the great delight of the kids on Thursday, and very noticably on Friday. We would put our green house on the balcony each day, and bring it inside during the night. The poor cardboard wasn't living up to the challenge, so we used the lid of one of those plastic storage bins.
A little later...mid April I believe it was, we planted green beans, spinach, peas and carrots.
*Our radishes are tiny...big plant with nothing underneath to eat. This is the same thing we had last year...I think they just don't like the pots.
*Our tomatoes are growing like weeds. They seemed to have jumped in height quickly, we just can't wait for them to start producing tomatoes.
*our Yellow squash, zuccini, and cucumbers all have little buds, our green beans are growing, We are so excited!!!
*Our carrots greens are getting big, we haven't pulled any up yet, I don't think they are big enough to eat yet...but with time they should be delicious.
*We have had salad with our spinach and lettuce at least twice a week since Mother's day. (Once we even had little tiny radishes in it...the only radishes we have had so far.)

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